Hello people,
While I have had the good fortune to speak with some of you about my upcoming plans, I want you all to know…
…Some blogs suggest how long it will take to read them – I can’t really say that here, because I’m writing this for the first time. Suffice it to say, you might want to get a cup of coffee or tea or a nice glass of wine…
For about the past 20 years or so, I have had a vision (sometimes in a dream, other times while awake). That vision was, quite simply, of me walking. I couldn’t tell where I was, what I was wearing or even what I was walking toward. Each time I would see it (once or twice a year), the feeling I had was one of warmth emanating from inside out, coupled with an increase in my heart rate and a bit of anxiety. And each time, I passed it off by pushing the vision away. Until a little over two years ago, when the vision became more persistent – showing up more regularly and not going away even when I consciously tried to push it out.
I had not yet said anything to anyone about the vision.
So, I committed myself to taking two actions around it. First, I would ask Spirit to help me hold the space for it. And second, I would set pen to paper to find out what the vision was trying to say. At the top of the first page I wrote: “Please fill in the picture I am supposed to see.”
And off I went to begin redesigning what I ASSUMED was only my professional life through returning to coach training and oh, yeah, adding a leadership training program into the mix.
As I completed the core coaching curriculum and the first of the leadership retreats, I felt a deep stirring within around purpose and what it means to me. And I was inspired to set forth on a quest to participate in the Susan Komen breast cancer walk. What was so moving to me about this experience was not only the walk itself, but the awareness of the absolute commitment of one person (Nancy Brinker) to her purpose, and the sense of community it has evoked in people all around the globe.
In the meantime, I continued to write and pray for guidance around the vision, which I was beginning to understand as my purpose.
Still, I had not spoken of the vision to anyone.
In October, my sister and I were out for a walk, and I asked how it was that she came to being called to ministry. And as she began to tell me how the calling had occurred for her, I began to cry. And I couldn’t stop. Because you see, although the circumstances were different, she was telling me my story.
And the writing and praying continued – this time with a great deal of clarity.
And still, I said nothing.
About a month later, I sent an email to a friend of mine, asking if we could have dinner one night while she was in Washington. (She was coming to lead a class where I was assisting.) The night we had dinner together, I said out loud (for the first time), “I believe I am supposed to divest myself of my belongings and begin walking for peace.” My friend took a breath, looked into my eyes, and said, “Of course you are, and you’ll need a team to support you.” I asked if that meant she wasn’t going to try and talk me out of it, to which she replied, “Why would I?”
And when I spoke with my sister about it a few days later she said the tenderness with which I was holding this calling was akin to how she felt before entering the Seminary. She shared her support, concern and love with me. She asked me some hard questions. And she encouraged me to follow my heart.
And so it is – I am answering the call to Walk for PEACE.
What that looks like from the inside for me is about being presence wherever I go. It’s about a grass roots movement to bring people together in peace. It’s about rippling out goodness and peace rather than cynicism and hate. It’s about inviting 1conversation for peace into every interaction and then sharing that with others. It’s about giving and receiving, finding strength in vulnerability (both mine and that of others), trusting and instilling trust, inclusiveness and faith.
When I speak about the Walk, the feeling I have within is so deeply and profoundly humbling that it makes me cry.
I Step Off on March 21, 2016, in Nevada City, California. I will head toward San Francisco, arriving in time for the wedding of two dear friends, and staying for a couple of days. Then, I will commence walking again. And yes…Chandler (my dog) is coming with me.
During the Walk, I’ll either stay with people who offer me space in their homes, or along the route. I’ll have 1conversation for Peace with the people I meet along the way, inviting them to share with me how they find peace for themselves and how they can help ripple it out. And I’ll share my experience with them. If I can be of service either to people or in communities I visit, I will. I’ll speak when asked. I’ll give seminars on presence as a way to peace.
There is undoubtedly more to share, but this is it for now. If you want to share anything you’re feeling about the Walk with me, or the impact – I welcome any and all opportunity to be in conversation with you about it. Also, if you are interested in volunteering to support me on the Walk, please contact me for information on how you can help. Go to the contact page or reach me directly at aryonmelcher@gmail.com.
To donate funds directly, click here:
Fundraising Websites – Crowdrise
Dearest Alexis,
Dearest Alexis!
What a journey for you…..! Wonderful…I wish you the best -best always and hope to catch up with you soon…..while on your journey. Am currently in Edinburgh Scotland, but will be back in the US for a visit soon and will try and track you down on your journey , my friend, and give you a big hug!
You are such an inspiration…in everything you do..
Great health and balance of mind and body, will lead to Peace….inside and out….
love you lots…