Day 37


My host and dear friend Annemarie Estess and I headed out early to meet another friend for coffee to begin day 37 on the Walk for PEACE. We had a lovely visit with Guryan Tighe, catching up, laughing, crying and simply being with one another.

Annemarie and I walked together for the rest of the morning, and ended up saying goodbye about 12:30.

We had a chance to talk about so many things while we walked, and to visit leisurely.

At one point, we saw this a parking lot of strollers (the photo above) outside a library, and I couldn’t resist taking a photo.

In the afternoon, I did a load of laundry and picked up a couple of things at the drug store, readying myself for continuing the Walk. I traversed some of the hills of San Francisco, which took my breath away for two reasons…the incline, and the incredible beauty of San Francisco.

One thought on “Day 37”

  1. Hey Alexis…did you park your “stroller” next to all the others…!! (Well, your little babe is about the cutest of them all!!!) So good to see you are having such fun…I am really enjoying your blogs….

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