Day 60

As I mentioned yesterday, I have been icing and resting a sore knee for the past couple of days. The surprising thing to me is that this is the knee I had replaced a year and a half ago, and I have not had any issues with it on the Walk to date. At any rate, my plan was to walk in the neighborhood this morning for a mile and see if it felt okay to head out. And…sometimes, our own plans aren’t the best plans. After speaking with my friends Carly and Sue (part of a group of people that I meet with every two weeks for support on everything from t-shirts to tears to fundraising to routes), I agreed to Sue’s suggestion to have it checked out. So, after calls to my health care plan provider, I made my way to the ER in Napa (they don’t have any Urgent Care Centers).

The great news is that there is nothing wrong structurally, and there is no infection. There is inflammation of the muscles around the knee. (In a non artificial joint it’s called a sprain). The doctor put me in an imobilizer for two to three days, and then I’m to see how it feels. If it feels stable, I will be ready to proceed. I have several strengthening exercises I will need to do each evening when I begin Walking again, but I should be good to go in short order.

The nurse who tended to me is originally from Ohio, and got very excited about the Walk for Peace. His Family is Mennonite – committed to nonviolence and pacifism. The couple of hours that I was in the ER were certainly made more Peaceful by the exchange with this particular nurse.imageIn the meantime, I was feeling rather down that I wasn’t feeling better this morning, and both Sue and Carly had some good suggestions of what I could do while I’m not Walking. I’m going to go into town tomorrow and speak with a bookstore owner about doing an impromptu talk on Peace. And…since I’ll be in town, I’ll find a spot where I can sit with my leg up and meet people. I will do what I can to be in Peaceful energy, and to share it with others, just in a different way.

Thank you, Sue and Carly (and everyone who sent well wishes today) for your gentle insistence. This was the best course of action in service of the Walk for Peace.

6 thoughts on “Day 60”

  1. Sounds like some good advice. You can’t spread Peace when you’re not peaceful and pain will take away peace. Take care and I love you.

  2. Well, being kinda a cold and drizzly day today I hope you are warm and cozy….and feeling better….and Chandler is happy to be a center of attention wherever she is…


  3. I love the flow of your change in perspective, getting into town and talking with people while resting. <3

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. It has been an interesting challenge – and a beautiful gift to be with the fluidity.

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