Today, my good friend Kelli came to Napa and picked me up to drive me to her home in Nevada City to continue the recuperation of my knee.
During our trip, we talked about the feeling of resistance I have to being “off” the road for the time being. Another friend, Amanda joined us via Skype and we laughed and giggled and got serious as they asked questions and helped me explore the feelings I’m having. Later in the day, I spoke with my colleague Lauri, who challenged me to ask myself “What if your knee is a metaphor for peace?”
And tonight, I am aware that I was running away with my humanity – the part of me that wants my body to behave like I think it “should”. In the resistance to what is, I was pushing aside the very Peace that I have been having conversations about with the folks I’ve met along the way.
This feels like another layer of knowing myself, accepting myself and inviting the Peaceful perspectives of people who know me and are willing to call things like they see them for the sake of relationship.
One of the things in my life that brings me Peace, is having people who support me and know that asking me to look at myself is something I welcome and want. Sometimes I push back, but in the long run, the more willing I am to explore my humanity, the greater connection I have to presence as a way to Peace.
Well spoken my friend.. Thanks for teaching us a little more about acceptance , the ultimate gift of peace!
You are in good hands…..