A good portion of today was spent reflecting on the first 67 days of the Walk for Peace, and connecting with people who have been of support since I first started talking about it.
I have been fortunate to be in fairly regular communication with my friend Sue Abuelsamid (not pictured), and we got a chance to talk on the phone today. Sue’s questions about the Walk allowed me to go deep into the seemingly simple experiences I’m having and find the learning, which is truly a gift.
For example, I am actually down two shirt sizes from when I began the Walk. The shirts I’ve been wearing have provided a bit of “cover” that the new, smaller shirts do not. And what I discovered as we talked about it is, that there is a greater sense of rawness in wearing the smaller shirt. A sense of being more “out there”, more visible. It’s not a bad thing, rather, something that I noticed and am willing challenge myself to be with. It’s a simple and rather subtle change on the surface, yet it feels in some ways like an opportunity to be more available…as if coming out from behind a cloak.
As I took my little Peace pup Chandler for our rehab Walk today, I’m happy to say that my knee felt pretty good. We walked about a mile and a half, with some inclines and driveways (picture the slant and slope of driveways and what they represent to a knee), as well as a nice flat section. I will continue to increase the distance/terrain until I am able to complete 5 miles, and then I will head out again.
Next, my dear friends Connie Salcido and Kelli Laton and I had supper together and it was full of laughter. I stayed at Kelli’s house the last few nights before the Walk began, and at Connie’s on the first night. It felt like an old glove for the three of us to be together, and it was Peaceful.
And to add to the gifts of the day, I had the opportunity to celebrate my 34 year anniversary of being clean and sober with many supportive friends at an AA meeting. They celebrate anniversaries for the month on the last Thursday, and since my anniversary date is May 1, it was perfect timing!
Hmmm, could a day like today be a silver lining to an injured knee?