Today, Chandler and I took two walks. The first one was this morning with the buggy, and the second, this afternoon without it. In between the walks, I iced my knee, made several phone calls and looked at where I will go when I begin walking again. My knee feels good tonight, and I’m sure the new shoes are part of the reason.
After the second walk, Chandler stretched herself out as far as she could to cool off and rest…I call it her flat dog.
As we walked, we met Maura, who was out for her daily exercise. Chandler immediately went into happy, Peaceful dog mode and was happy to receive attention from Maura. We shared a few minutes of conversation with a sense of ease, sending one another off with a smile and a blessing.
At one point in the morning, my friend Honey Trabitz sent this photo of her pup with the caption “Leo thinks Peace walks are delicious”, which made me laugh out loud! Then, my friend Cindy Lawton posted this picture on my Facebook timeline of a “painted Peace” she saw on vacation.
This Peace walker received messages from friends and aquaintances today and was filled with the energy of Peace.
Thank you all…