Day 73

Today was a quiet day for this Peace Walker. Chandler and I took a walk with the buggy and a walk without, and my knee continues to improve. I am continuing to ice and rest between walks, and want to be sure I’m at my best when I begin heading North.

I made several phone calls again today, and have been invited to speak at a local homeless shelter in a few days.

In addition to being my friend, Kelli Laton has been my host for the past week, and I continue to be humbled by her generosity.

Kelli has also been gracious enough to handle sending out the Walk for Peace T-shirts and the 1conversation for Peace cards when people make donations to the Walk via PayPal. The new order of shirts came, so today, I helped by preparing the packages that need to go out.

Thanks to all who have contributed to the Walk! Your generosity makes the Walk possible. And…for those of you who haven’t yet contributed, I invite you to consider making a donation.

In gratitude,

☮👣- Alexis



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