I took this photograph today as I arrived at the conference center where I will be an assistant to a leadership program that I graduated from last year. When I attempted to go to the website, I was redirected to www.peacealliance.org.
Their Mission: The Peace Alliance empowers civic engagement toward a culture of peace.
I expect that I will spend more time on this website, and perhaps, with people/organizations associated with The Peace Alliance.
In the past twenty four hours, two of my sisters (Emily Melcher and Dita Darrah) have reached out to me to see how I am in the wake of yesterday’s shooting in Orlando. I must say that I am heartbroken for the victims, their friends and families, and all the lives they touched that will be different now. And, I am heartbroken for the “shooter”, his friends and family and all the lives he touched that will be different now.
I said to Dita, “What I want to know is how do we help find our common purpose rather than our differences and individualized agendas?”
She replied,
“Walk for Peace.”
I could not have said it better.
Hello just saying hello and wanting to let you know I was thinking of you. Peace and love, Michael
I’m so glad to hear from you! I have thought a lot about you and Lynn, and how much I enjoyed being with you. I hope you are well. Chandler sends her greetings! Love, Alexis
The small ring of hate can always be broken by the rings of love which is always more abundant and powerful
I totally agree, Paula.