A couple of days ago, Kelli took a fall as she was heading up the steps at the back of her house. She hit her head hard enough in two places to cause swelling and bruising. Today, she was feeling worse than yesterday, including some tell tale signs of a possible concussion. After a short talk, we agreed that the best course of action would be for Kelli to be seen by a doctor. The results? Unfortunately, Kelli has a concussion. Fortunately, it is not severe, and with rest and time, she will recover fully. And, seeing the doctor gave Kelli some Peace about what she was experiencing.
As I watched the exchanges between Kelli, the doctor and the nurses, my heart felt happy to see the respect and kindness that flowed between them. And, while a Traumatic Brain Injury such as a concussion is a serious matter, there was also room for a little lightheartedness to enter the conversation. You see, everyone involved was interested in the same thing – determining what was wrong and developing a plan for Kelli’s recovery.
Later in the day, I went to a gathering where there were about a hundred and fifty people. I knew some of the folks, and not others, but we were all there for the same purpose. Ordinarily, this group of people would very likely not get along. However, because of having a common purpose, we were all able to get along and to be in community together for the afternoon and evening.
As I watched the first scenario and participated in the second, I was aware of a lack of judgement in both instances. And in this lack of judgement, there was room for vulnerability, assistance, recovery and quite simply, to Be.
These are the types of interactions I have had and am continuing to have on the Walk for Peace. When I am at the beginning of 1conversation for Peace with someone, I make it a point to connect with the person/people I am speaking with by making eye contact, holding them with respect and without judgement, and by being vulnerable. In this way, I invite 1conversation for Peace with an open and Peaceful heart.