Day 102

Today was quiet for this Peace Walker.

I got up early, went to a meeting and went by the hospital to pick up the x-rays and the radiology report, so that I will have them to take to the orthopedist. I’m glad I picked them up this morning, because late in the day, the orthopedist’s office called, and they are going to see me tomorrow morning.

I rested quite a bit in the early afternoon, and went into town for a meeting later in the day. At the meeting, I had a chance to hold a five week old baby, and I must say, my heart melted. Holding that tiny little girl as she slept filled my heart with Peace.

Later, Kelli and I picked up some items at the co-op, and as we were leaving, we ran into a mutual friend. The three of us sat outside and visited for a couple of hours – sharing about all kinds of different things. It was so nice to simply stop, sit and drop into connection with each other. As we hugged goodbye, I felt a sense of Peace that we had taken the time to be with one another.

What I know is that experiencing and sharing Peace does not have to be an enormous undertaking. The tiniest of experiences can bring about great Peace – provided our hearts are open to it.

Tonight, my heart is open to give and to receive Peace.


5 thoughts on “Day 102”

  1. I hope the orthopedist can give you something positive for this tricky knee….


  2. Alexis, I am not able to follow many posts, but wow- how powerful your words when I do! I love you and the attention you bring to Peace and how it is right there for us when we are open to it.

    I believe your work is helping many people find new openings to peace and am thankful for that and for our friendship. -Ted

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