Day 107

This morning, I had the opportunity to talk to a friend whom I’ve known for a long time, and to offer help with a situation in her life that I have some direct experience with. I gave her my contact information, and because she was working, went on my way.

A few minutes later, I went to a diner for coffee, and another friend of mine was there. This friend is grappling with information that has turned his life upside down, and trying to make sense of it all.  As he and I sat talking, I asked him how I could help, and he asked if he could call me on occasion to sound things out. I told him I would be happy to talk with him. As we said good bye, we hugged, grateful to have run into each other.

What is interesting about these two experiences is that neither of the people I interacted with are people I spend time with on a regular basis, nor did they have my contact information. And, in simply connecting to each of them and checking in with how they are, time stood still for that moment, and I was able to be present to my friends.

Then I went to a meeting, and out with another friend for coffee afterward. What was different here, was that I was able to reach out and share some of my feelings about the recent developments in my life. And, my friend was able to ask me how she can help.

What I know is, that when I open my heart to people, they open theirs back. When I am vulnerable with others, it gives permission for others to be vulnerable with me. When I ask how I can help, it opens the door for me to be able to ask for help.

In this way, there is actually a sense of community. There is a way in which the chain of kindness and Peaceful interaction continues to grow, people look out for one another without needing to control the outcome, and full permission is available to everyone.

6 thoughts on “Day 107”

  1. I like your expression about the chain of kindness. That’s something we all should try to implement in our daily lives. Love you.

    1. I agree! If each of us practiced it even once a day, the world would change. I love you too, Dita!

  2. Love this post, the magic of your presence and of connection when the heart is open. XO

  3. I usually read your writings daily. This one really touched me! I love trying to be open and loving and therefore I am surrounded by it. I love you my friend.

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