Day 108

One of the things I imagined for the Walk for Peace was the idea of getting to a city or town and being there for long enough to be of service in some way. In my mind, I had several ideas of what that service might look like. Today, I spent most of the day in service, and it didn’t look anything like the things I had envisioned!

What is nice for this Peace Walker, is that while I have thoughts about how things will go, when I am open to change, what I experience is almost always more fulfilling than what I had planned. Today, I was aware in the moment of how different the ways I was of service looked, and I chuckled.

You see, I have been in this town long enough to be of service, and if I had been intractable in what the service should look like, I would have missed out on what turned out to be a full, fun, fascinating day.

Tomorrow, I go for tests on my knee, and I will be the recipient of help/service from others. It is my plan to receive the help graciously, remembering the sense of Peace I had from being of service today, and being open to helping others feel that through being of service to me.

And, at the core of this circle of service is a feeling of community. An awareness, if you will, of the Peace that giving to and receiving from others brings.

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