Today I went to a meeting, and as I was approaching the entrance, a woman said that she noticed my shirt and was wondering if I was “that woman on Facebook that’s walking for Peace”. I said yes, and she said she’s been following my posts. We talked for a moment longer, and I thanked her for her support, and she thanked me for Walking and for sharing about it.
After the meeting, I went to the local co-op and sat outside, visiting with some of the patrons and sharing about the Walk for Peace. I invited one gentleman to join me, and we talked for a few minutes. He drew a card from the 1conversation for Peace deck, which he chose keep and think about. Robert also took some time to enjoy Chandler. He scratched and petted her, and spoke to her with such kindness, that I was moved listening to it. As Robert left, I felt deeply happy for the moments of conversation we shared.
Tonight, I am grateful for the conversations I had today. I’m excited about learning from and sharing with others about Peace.
This tiny little flower was hiding amongst some larger plants in the garden bed next to where I sat today, and I had the sense that was thriving because of the other plants around it.
We too, can help others to flourish and grow. My experience today reminded me that the more I give away, the more I receive. Join me in the Walk for Peace by having conversations where you exchange ideas about Peace. Take Peaceful action. Speak with Peaceful words. Invite others to share their concept of Peace with you. Most of all, be Peace in your life. The more we give it away, the greater the Peace there is in the world.
What a fine encounter at the co-op…