Day 129

This morning, I had the opportunity to catch up with a colleague over the phone, and as we spoke, I felt fortunate that we had set aside the time to be with one another. Over the years, ours is a relationship that has evolved as each of us has grown, learned, discovered and changed. Whenever we spend time together, I find myself feeling seen, heard, understood and celebrated. When we hung up, I thought about how fortunate I am to to have people in my life with whom I feel so fully alive and welcome.

One of the fundamental elements of the Walk for Peace is community. For me, community is welcoming and inclusive. It is alive with possibility, and everyone has a voice. We come together by choice, and we grow by being open hearted and open minded.

Imagine for a moment, the relationship in your life that makes you feel the most alive. The one person that no matter how tired you are, you’re always happy to spend time with. Think about the qualities of that relationship and what it is that keeps you coming back for more.

What relationship would you most like to see have more of these qualities? How will you open your heart and mind for this change to take place? And, what is possible from here?

When we bring our actions into alignment with an open heart and mind, we can invite change into our relationships. We can choose to be present with people in a way that is respectful and responsive rather than disdainful and reactive. And we can find Peace within as well as with each other.


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