Today, I met with a friend for lunch, and we spent the majority of the time speaking about the spiritual lessons we have each learned over the years. We found out that a great deal of our experience is similar, which allowed for a feeling of safety and permission to say whatever came to mind.
Next, I spoke with a woman I went through leadership training with. The conversation was direct, bold, curious and challenging. We were open to each other’s perspectives, and also able to stand confidently in our our own experiences.
Finally, I spoke with another woman from the leadership program I attended, and we talked primarily from our bodies. We both, at different times sought validation for our feelings in each other’s eyes. Each of us sighed heavily a couple of times during the call, and there were several periods of silence where we were simply “with” each other’s energy.
Each conversation was nurturing in its own way, just as every conversation I’ve had on the Walk for Peace has been.
You see, for this Peace Walker, being open to every conversation is what breathes life into relationships. I have had the good fortune of having many, many conversations for Peace along the Walk. And, I’ve had Peaceful conversations about all kinds of subjects.
I enter into the conversations open to where they may lead, even if its in a direction that is different than where I might think I want to go. The primary thing to remember is that I am neither less than nor more than the people I am in conversation with, that everyone in the conversation has a voice, and that there is room for disagreement.
Another thing I am aware of is the amount of violent rhetoric is in our speech today. One way we can work on more Peace in the world is to use language that comes from a loving place within us. Another is to remove name calling and labeling of others from discussion. Still another is not to gossip.
Using rhetoric that is negative, unkind or judgemental, we create defensiveness. And using language that is loving, inclusive and responsible, we create invitation.
Every conversation that comes from invitation is one where the energy of Peace is present, and the possibilities are endless.
What do you notice about your words? Are they kind? Or perhaps, harmful to you or others? How can you remember to invite and include today?