Day 146

I took the day off from news yesterday.

Today, I read about an imam and his assistant being shot and killed in Queens. The news reported on what people (Muslims in particular) should be afraid of going forward.

And, I read about a young man who was shot and killed by police in Milwaukee,WI; prompting riots to break out. The news reported on the young man’s family calling for Peace.

Both locations devastated by another act of violence; three more lives lost. No easy answer for  either circumstance.

For this Peace Walker, the answer is active participation in Peaceful events. Meetings with the community to discuss Peace and the importance of being a Peaceful role model.  Singing songs of Peace. Gathering together in for the sake of Peace. Creating activities that revolve around Peaceful interaction. Rejuvenating when I  need to, so that I can be a voice for Peace wherever I go.

For every act of violence and every violent word, courage to stand in Peace becomes paramount to the work the Walk for Peace is doing.

The time to act is here, now.

How will you respond to the need for Peace in yourself, your family, your community, your world?


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