Day 205

I have been staying on the land where my sister lives in Texas, and yesterday, I saw this creature making its way across the walkway in front of the house.

I wasn’t really thinking I’d be writing about an insect, but several things came up for me when I saw it and decided to take its picture.

First, I am grateful that I was present enough to have seen it. I could just as easily have missed seeing it, or worse yet, I could have stepped on it. But, for some reason, I saw it, and decided to take a picture of it. Also, I am fascinated by the intricacy of such a relatively small creature. Every minute detail allows this insect to live and to make its way in the same world that I live and make my way in.

I feel like this little insect and I represent a portion of what the Walk for Peace is about. You see, for this Peace Walker, every creature is valuable and necessary to the overall health and wellbeing of every other creature in our world.

I find Peace in little insects, and in knowing that while I may not know what their purpose is, they certainly have one. I find Peace in other creatures, and I am curious about the place they hold in the orde of things. I find Peace in human beings, and their ability to live with one another, in unique and different ways.

So for today, thinking about this insect actually gave me a chance to think about not only myself, but about also all of the creatures of the world. And this, too, brings me Peace.

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