One of the things that I have noticed since being at my sister’s ranch is similar to what I experienced after I had been Walking for Peace for a couple of weeks. The amount of emotional energy being called for along with the consistent sensory input became greater than what I alone could handle. So, I called a friend, and talked about what I was experiencing. My friend helped me to slow down and to realign my physical and emotional body by doing some breathing exercises, and by speaking, acknowledging and releasing what I had allowed to build up within myself.
My intention yesterday was quiet. In the quiet, I can reconnect to the Peace within that allows me to meet my surroundings with calm, steady presence. In the quiet, I remember to breathe and to connect to my whole self.
There are moments when I cannot find the quiet or the connection to self that I seek, and it is in these times, that I reach out. I connect with another person and ask for help.
It isn’t always easy to ask for help, because there is an inherent vulnerability in doing so. I used to think asking for help meant I was weak. However, I am aware of the gratitude I feel when I have the chance to help someone else, and I believe others feel that when they are able to help me.
Is there something you’re holding that is creating a feeling of overwhelm for you in your emotional or physical self? Who is someone in your life you can ask to help you to return to Peace? What are you waiting for?
Thank you. It is so important to be vulnerable in order to ask for what we need.
I totally agree, Dita.