Day 257

During the time I have been on the ranch, I have had some time to look at myself and reflect on how I respond to challenging situations. I wanted to take some time to write about this, because I have experienced myself handling challenges with frustration, irritation, restlessness, poise, grace and Peace. I’d like to say I’ve got this, and most of the time, I do. However, in the moments when my response is laced with negativity, it is usually because I am over stimulated. That can be from noise, people coming and going, fatigue, etc.

What’s important about this noticing of myself is, that I can change how I choose to respond. For this Peace Walker, the awareness is my place of choice. I find that if I can be quiet an take a breath before responding, I find myself in the place of Peace and ease.

In a few days, I will return to California. when I get there, I have an appointment to have a follow up on my knee revision. In this moment, I feel a bit frustrated with the surgeon who performed the surgery. I don’t feel like he’s hearing what I’m saying. So, when I see him, I choose to be firm yet graceful. I want to be strong in my requests of him. I choose to take him out of the defensive box I’ve put him in, in my mind. I choose to meet him with an open mind. Perhaps this will invite a dialogue that is cooperative rather than adversarial.

Is there a situation or a person that causes you to respond negatively? What can you do to reconnect with your inner wisdom and choose to respond differently?

Each time we interact with someone, and we choose To do so with an open heart, we ripple Peaceful energy out into the world. What a simple yet powerful act.







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