Day 270

Each time I have been on this property in the past ten months, I have had the great joy of being with my friend, Annemarie. We have arrived the day before the participants, in order to prepare the room and the supplies for the upcoming week, and have taken the evening before the retreat begins to relax into ourselves, each other, and the energy of the land.

I met Annemarie a little over two years ago, and we have been fast friends ever since. She is young enough to be my daughter, yet wise enough to be my sage, and I am eternally grateful that we have shared this rich experience with each other.

Sometimes, I meet someone, and instantly, we will become friends. Others may become friends, but I find we must both put effort into developing the relationship. And, still others don’t develop into anything. What feels important about this is, that no matter what happens, I am partially responsible for the impact that the initial meeting has on whether or not a friendship ensues.

I find Peace in knowing that each new person I meet, may well be my “new best friend”. When I open myself up to seeing the whole person without making assumptions about them, the way they are dressed, how they speak, etc., I open my world up to possibility. When I engage the person rather than making up things about them based on a first impression, the possibilities are endless. And, when I look first into their eyes and make a connection, the world becomes more available.

That is how I feel about Annemarie. The day I met her two years ago, I came to the retreat center, got out of my car, and immediately saw her getting out of her car. I remember walking up to her and introducing myself and looking directly into her eyes. We began a conversation that continues to this day, and I suspect will continue far into the future.

Today, I know that there are myriad ways we are different from each other. I am aware that we are many years apart in age. We dress completely differently, and our educations are wildly different.

I am also aware that Annemarie is one of the kindest, most loving individuals I’ve ever met. I trust her with my heart, and I am confident that she trusts me. We share the wisdom of experience, learning and love. And, we hold each other accountable in a strong, supportive, encouraging way.

For me, opening my heart to what is available in the moment that I meet someone is presence. And, this presence is a way to Peace.

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