Day 278

I wasn’t at all sure what I wanted to write about tonight, but I have known all day that I wanted to write something. You see, I tend to want to be quiet and meditative after a period of being exposed to a lot of stimulus in a relatively short period of time. In the past two days, there have been twelve (and sometimes thirteen) people here sharing meals, space, games, music, conversation, gift giving,  etc. together. All of this in addition to the regular activities on the ranch.

Knowing it would be equally as full as yesterday, my intention for today was to ground in center, lead from behind. For this Peace Walker, this means to find the place within myself that is focused and present, to leave room for fluidity, and to assist, collaborate if you will, with the people and circumstances around me. It is about being aware of what will help the overall situation to run smoothly and calmly, and stepping in to aid rather than to direct the activity. It also means stepping away from the activities (which I did today for a bit – to take a nap), to take care of myself before I get over stimulated and stressed, which can lead to things being said or done in a way that can create unnecessary conflict.

On a larger scale, this grounding in center becomes paramount if I am to collaborate successfully. Also, it helps me to remember what my part is in the overall goal, keeping my ego in check. One lesson that has taken me some time to learn is that taking care of myself first, gives me the clarity and the energy I need to commit to something for the long haul.

For me, the Walk for Peace is what I am committed to. I want to join with others and to grow the energy around Peace every day, in every way possible. I want to be utilized for the purpose of growing Peace in the world. I want to teach and be taught Peace. What I know is, Peace begins within. When I am “right-sized”, I can be of maximum value to the world, and live my purpose – to Walk for Peace.

What helps you to ground in center?  I’m curious how others find this place within themselves. And, I have no doubt I can learn some cool ideas to use in the future.



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