The two pictures in tonight’s post were sent to me by a long time friend of mine. Brenda sent them, saying they reminded her of me and the Walk for Peace. The heart and Peace sign are made from driftwood.
The colorful Peace sign below is made from various flower pins from the Sixties, and hangs in an art gallery in Cambria, California.
Two different artists – two different interpretations of the Peace sign.
In the 1950s a member of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamant named Gerald Holtom created this design, which was to become their logo. The Peace sign, the hand signal in a “V” and the Peace flag all, in time, became international symbols of Peace.
Recently, there have been huge changes in our world. We are seeing shifts economically, politically, socially and environmentally. We are hearing voices for and against issues, we are seeing protests in support of and in opposition to laws, orders and policies. We are experiencing “firsts” in terms of climactic and environmental events. And we are witnessing entire groups of people being held to different standards because of their personal beliefs.
The dissension is growing at an alarming pace.
For me, the responsibility for Peace around the world lies within each of us. Be it a discussion with someone whose thinking is diametrically opposed to our own, a literal Walk for a mile in someone else’s shoes, or perhaps, a face to face meeting with our “enemy”, we are each responsible.
Take a moment to think about one place, one person, one situation you are not feeling Peace with. In order to change it, you will have to take a risk and take an action to make it happen. What’s the action you’ll take to help build Peace?
Like this post, and I LOVE the Cambria peace sign.
I love the Cambria one too. I just imagine all the places those pins have been.