Over the past couple of months, several of you have inquired as to when I am going to get back on the road on the Walk for Peace, and I want to take a moment to give you an update.
Unfortunately, it has been almost ten months since I had my knee revision surgery – the procedure that took me off the road back in May. During those months, I have had some difficulty with that knee, and I am working at finding out whether the difficulty is here to stay, or if there is something more involved than simply living with it.
After a number of follow up visits with the Dr. who performed the revision, I made the decision to seek a second opinion. Today, I had a bone scan, which will determine the condition of the revised joint. Next Monday, I will see the new Dr., to review the results and find out what I can expect going forward.
What I can tell you is, for this Peace Walker, this has been an incredibly difficult time for me. I have been working on finding Peace in the midst of the unknown, and, I am really ready for an answer. I meditate before I get of bed in the morning, asking for Peace in my heart. And, I ask that I take Peaceful action throughout the day – first with myself, and then with others. Some days, it comes naturally, and others, I have to work at it. After all, I’m human. Ironically, when I came out of the imaging center at the hospital this morning, this car was parked behind an auxiliary building that I decided to walk around (to stay in the shade), and I couldn’t help but see it as a message that all is well.
In the meantime, I am working on ways to involve you in the Dream of Peace that I envision, and the Walk for Peace is an outward manifestation of my commitment to that Dream. It is my plan to continue Walking – perhaps a bit differently than when I first started. Next week’s appointment is going to inform the design of the next part of the Walk for Peace.
I am looking for people who are interested in growing the energy of Peace with me. I want to create an ongoing series of actions that we can take as individuals or together, at specific times, for the sake of Peace. If you are interested in sharing ways that you find Peace in your life with others, I wold love to spend some time with you, getting your story on video, and including it in my blog.
If you enjoy the blog, and want to take the next step in your Walk for Peace, I’d love to connect with you. You can reach me by filling out the contact page, or by email at stepintoyes@gmail.com.
What will you do to support Peace?
Hola. And how are you apart from your knee? (Peace.)
Hey Maria,
Good to hear from you! I’m good. Doing some redesigning around the Walk for Peace, and feeling really happy about the next phase. How are you? Would love to catch up via phone sometime if you’re up for it!