As I took Chandler for a Walk this morning, I was pleasantly aware of the feeling of Spring all around me. I noticed this little gem as I passed it, and as I continued to Walk, I thought about the importance of little things, and I turned around to take this photo as a reminder. As I apply the concept to the Walk for Peace, I think about the idea that everyone has the capacity to be Peace in their own lives.
For me, this Peace comes from knowing and accepting every aspect of myself. I am of a mind that each part of my personality that I enjoy also has a “shadow” side that I would rather not entertain. However, if I am willing to see myself fully, I can acknowledge the shadows, ask myself how they help me in the moment, and clearly decide to step into the light and act from there.
Do I always do it? Not a chance! I am able to do it more consistently as time goes by, however, because I practice. When I feel as if I am overreacting to something or feeling like shutting down, for example, I ask myself what isn’t working in the situation, and how I would change it. Usually, the answer comes to me with little effort. And, sometimes, it’s a little thing that can shift the entire experience.
I wonder what would shift, if we took a moment before our shadows crowd us, to meditate on being Peace in our day. What if, each morning, a million people from all over the world simply said the word Peace prior to getting up, speaking or communicating in any other way? Could we shift the energy? Would a million more people inquire as to what was going on, and decide to begin their day in the same fashion? And could the very energy of this simple action send us into our days just a bit more at ease with ourselves and others? I believe the answer is a resounding yes.
I begin my day with the word Peace. I then ask to be Peace as I move through the day. Try it. I guarantee you will feel a change.