One year ago today, I began the Walk for Peace. I took the first steps with friends and family wishing me well, and I was off. In the span of three hundred sixty five days, I have come to know myself at a deeper level and to appreciate a greater sense of Peace within myself than I have ever known. I have reached into my heart and given of myself to others, and I have received great kindnesses from those I have met along the way.
In a world where separateness, fear, anger, violence and destruction are commonplace, being a voice for Peace takes courage. It is easy to fall into habits which create distance and separateness, because it is familiar. For me, however, the call to be a flame for Peace in the world helps me to access the courage and to continue the work.
For those of you who are a part of the Walk for Peace, I am profoundly grateful. Your support of this vision is invaluable. For the people who have chosen to take a step into courage and to be Peace in your lives, I honor you. And for those who are searching for Peace, I applaud you. All efforts for the sake of Peace expand the movement, the energy of Peace further out into the world. Every moment in a day that someone devotes to Peace, moves us closer to the Dream of Peace.
As we move into this second year on the Walk for Peace, let us draw on each other’s courage. Let us share the energy of Peace everywhere and with everyone. In this way, it is Peace that will become the way to be in the world.
With greatest gratitude for year One, I thank you.