This is the view I had as I approached the doctor’s office this morning. I was struck by the sheer beauty in front of me, and everywhere I looked. And, as I was leaving, this whiteboard hung in the nurse’s station.
I cannot agree with Mr. Einstein more. Each time we choose to use force where empathy belongs, we take ourselves one step further from understanding toward irreversible actions.
When I read that a 21,000 pound bomb had been dropped in Afghanistan, I sat in my chair and wept. I was speechless. And I still have no words to express how I feel. My Dad and I touched briefly on it this morning when I called to wish him a happy 82nd birthday, and he too, couldn’t speak to it.
Later in the day, a long time friend of mine said she doesn’t believe world Peace is possible. Again, I felt gutted.
Here’s the thing:
I believe world Peace is possible. There is a place in each being that retains the desire to be “seen”, understood if you will. I have a responsibility be with people in an open-hearted inclusive manner, inviting dialogue, respect, curiosity, love, community and understanding.
I’ve spoken a great deal lately about the need for individuals to take action every day toward Peace, no matter how small. Today, I invite you to consistently stretch, going one step further than you are comfortable in your own Walk for Peace.
I’m often told “everyone wants Peace”, and while I believe that is true, we have to see and know one another in order to bring the collective energy, thinking and actions into alignment for the sake of Peace.
How will you stretch yourself today? In addition to yourself, who is someone you want Peace for? How will you show that?
Feel free to reach out with your responses, I’d love to hear them!