Day 443

Today, for the third time, I spent my appointment with my coach discussing the feelings I have around the Walk for Peace and asking people to make contributions in support of the work I am doing.

In the beginning of the call, I expressed the thought that it seems “strange” to ask people to donate to something that I am choosing to do, and, that I have resisted putting people “on the spot” from the beginning. That is not to say I haven’t asked, but it hasn’t been easy. A little further in to the call, my coach asked “What are you doing when you don’t ask?” As I paused to think about the question, I realized that by not asking, I am actually devaluing the vision I have for Peace in the world. I had a moment where I was clear that asking for donations is actually about inviting each person to contribute to work toward Peace in the world.

I have chosen to make a commitment to Peace by devoting my time and energy to conversations, interactions and community building events. In twelve days, I will again begin Walking for Peace in the Portland, Oregon area. After several days there, I will head up to Washing to continue Walking, and go further north from there.

Tonight, I am asking for two things from those of you who are reading my blog:

First, please repost, share and retweet my blog posts. Each time you take an action like this, the support of the Walk for Peace as well as a global energy toward Peace grows exponentially.

And second, take a moment to donate to the Walk for Peace. Click on the link to donate, and enter an amount that is comfortable for you. Or, if you’d like, purchase a T-shirt or/and 1conversation for Peace card deck. Every donation is gratefully received.

Thank you,



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