Day 561

Between Sunday and Monday, these three cities came to have something in common. Each one had experienced a devastating act of violence. Merseille – France, Edmonton – Alberta – Canada,  Las Vegas – Nevada – USA; all three with victims either injured or killed. And all three with an individual perpetrator, wreaking havoc on the city where they committed their crimes.

As I have said before, I cannot begin to imagine what the families and friends of the victims are experiencing. I do not know what it feels like to be a friend or relative of one of the individuals responsible for the attacks. And I certainly don’t know how the attackers themselves felt.

I do however, feel as if these acts are an example of just how closely we are connected to one another. Three cities in different countries rallying around their citizens. Three cities committed to remaining open, welcoming places for people to visit. Three cities with dedicated “first-responders”, available at a moment’s notice to come to the aid of others. And three cities caught in the difficult place of trying to make sense out of something that shocks the senses.

There is something important to me about the way we handle our own emotions and energy when seeing, hearing about or experiencing such traumatic events.

Just as I have after many incidents like the ones mentioned, I have found myself wondering how I/we can come together to heal the unseen (emotional and spiritual) wounds of people affected. Also, what do I need in order to heal myself? And how can we heal when we are rushing to judgement about the people who carry out these acts? How do we find solace by racing into a political discourse in the minutes following such trauma? How are we to come together while seeking financial gain from the misfortune of others?

Now is the time to acknowledge the pain we are in. It is time to begin the process of healing our rage toward ourselves and toward those around us. When something like these events occurs, we need to reach out and offer help to be with the pain and sorrow. We need to be willing to feel the depth of sadness openly and without shame.

Yesterday, one of my sisters and I had a conversation that began with a moment of thought for the people in Las Vegas. For me, that included the man who carried out the attack. Why? Because he is part of humanity. One of the most difficult things we as human beings are asked to do is to be with emotion. All to often, we become uncomfortable and want to avoid the vulnerability that connects us; finding (sometimes harmful, sometimes addicting, sometimes numbing) distractions rather than taking the time to slow down and to process the emotions that arise.

I’ve often said that if a person is willing to walk through something, they will never have to experience it in the same way again. Tonight, I take that one step further. If we are willing to walk together in our vulnerability, we can heal ourselves, others, and the world.

With you, whomever and wherever you are, I am willing to Walk together for the sake of all creatures, our planet and Peace.


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