When I couldn’t post last night, I found myself feeling a sense of relief. As I thought about why I was relieved, I realized it was because the post had a heaviness about it that didn’t reflect how I was feeling. So then, what was I was feeling? A longing.
My coach and I worked on this today, and here’s where I am now…
I know from deep in my core, that Peace is my life’s Purpose. I also know that if I am at Peace, I can speak, share and be Peace with others. And together, we can spread Peace out from wherever we are.
I also know that there are times when my purpose feels easeful, relaxed and energizing; as well as times when it feels burdensome and draining – like “work”.
What I have been saying to myself and others for a while, and actually connected to fully this afternoon is that when it feels like “work”, somewhere along the way, I’ve forgotten to have fun. Doing things that are spontaneous, lighthearted, playful, mischievous, etc., actually help me to be at Peace.
This is the longing that ran through the post that didn’t post yesterday.
As I celebrate my fifty-fifth birthday today, I feel excited to experience what happens as I reintroduce FUN into the Walk for Peace.
Anyone want to join me?
Definitely something we should all think about!
Glad you agree…perhaps you and I could do something fun together!