Day 656

As I awakened this morning, I found myself feeling happy and excited for the day. The sun was shining (after a beautiful rainy day yesterday), I felt fully rested and I knew I was going to help a friend during the day and then out to supper with still more friends this evening. As I put my feet on the floor, I set my intention for the day – jubilant expression.

On and off during the day, I had several opportunities to interact with people (some I knew, others I didn’t), and I relished sharing the joy I was feeling with them. At one point, I was on the phone with a friend, and in response to something we were sharing, I let out a cheer of “Woo Hoo!”. My friend responded with a rather subdued “woo hoo”. I suggested she could do better, and encouraged her to really put some feeling behind it, to which she responded with “WOO HOO!”, and we both laughed out loud.

The fun thing about sharing this moment with my friend is that not only did each of get to express our joy, but we also had the chance to share that joy with each other.

Just as negativity, sadness and anger are contagious, so too are joy, happiness and Peace.

At supper, there was lighthearted banter, absurdity and general silliness interspersed into the conversation. I felt energized and enthusiastic; grateful for the chance to join in community and to complete this day full of jubilent expression.


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