Today, I got myself into quite a quagmire of technological inanity. I was scheduled to attend a call that a friend of mine was on, and I was looking forward to hearing her conversing with the hosts.
Unfortunately, I got caught in a loop of invalid password messages and attempts to create new passwords only to be met with more invalid password messages. I’d love to say I simply let it go, but that’s not true. You see, I got myself more and more worked up with each attempt, irritated with technology, the inability to get help except from a “bot”, and my expectation of how the experience was going to be for me.
Fortunately, I was able to employ a long used practice of taking five deep breaths. When I do this, the energetic shift is both immediate and complete.
And, in shifting the energy, I made the choice to let go of the firm grip my mind had on being on that call, and to have a little chuckle.
I’m grateful to have a breath work practice. I’m grateful for the ability to choose to let go. And I’m grateful that I can laugh at myself.
I am grateful to be reading your words of wisdom again.
Thanks, Larry! You helped me reconnect to my writing, and I am grateful for it.