Day 1,649

When I came upon this incredible sunflower in my friends’ garden, I was amazed by it’s size. And I was equally as intrigued by the sinewy, thick, six plus foot tall stalk that held the weight of the fully seeded flower. Then just as I was about to turn, I noticed the tiny bee poised daintily among the seeds, and decided to watch a while.

I got to thinking about the importance of bees in the pollination of food crops, and it made me smile to think that this tiny little creature (and other pollinators) represents how connected and dependent we are on parts of nature we simply take for granted.

I have spent much of my life having freedom of choice – because I am white. I must admit that for much of my life, I did in fact, take things for granted. However, today I am both aware of and grateful for the choices afforded me.

And, I am grateful for Justice Ginsburg’s unwavering commitment to making those choices available to every human being, without exception. I am grateful to Reverend William J. Barber II for his devotion to the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call to Moral revival. I am grateful to Mahatma Gandhi for his message of nonviolent resistance. I am grateful to Dr. Martin Luther King for his steadfast belief in civil rights belonging to every one. I am grateful for the Dalai Lama’s consistent message of hope. There are, of course, many more.

Like the bees who load their bodies with pollen to share from plant to plant; these individuals carry the nectar we need to nurture and heal ourselves and each other.

But they could not and cannot do it alone.

It’s time for us to become harbingers of change by standing up, speaking out and taking action.

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