I have a good friend who I speak with quite regularly, and we often discuss what we are feeling. In those discussions, we look at what feels “close to home”, which we call the micro view; and we look at the events where the impact affects people/places and things that are a bit “farther out”, which we call the macro view.
Although each of the experiences calls for my attention, the likelihood is that the micro events are things I can respond to relatively easily. I also tend to have practices in place that help ground me and remind me that “this too, shall pass”.
On the macro level, there is often a collective energy, which heightens the experience. Also, the response needed is usually at a larger level that what I can provide, which means I have to find a way to manage my energy around it, being ready to help if it is needed.
Either way, finding my center helps me to be with all of the turmoil.
What is important for me to remember is that with more stress, anxiety and grief going on right now, I am best served by increasing the time I spend in my daily practice. For me, that means extra meditations (even five minutes helps), seeking out and speaking aloud the things I’m grateful for, reaching out to others, etc. It also means finding time in my week that is just for me. No to dos or distractions. Just me.
There are two things my friend and I have added to our calls that feel especially important. First, we ask each other what we can hold or intend for the other person. This is a great way for each of us to invite collaborative healing energy in. The other thing we have been doing is to seek out simple joys. Perhaps a cup of coffee in the late afternoon, or a video call with loved ones. It can be big or small (I got a new toothbrush), as long as it brings joy.
Tonight, as I go into my meditation, I will close my eyes, and intend healing energy for all creatures on the earth, and the earth itself.
And, a simple joy for me is to be writing again. What’s yours?