Day 1,668

My paternal grandmother had a marvelous collection of elephant figurines. In her home, the elephants were displayed beautifully on small glass shelves set on both sides of an opening between two rooms.

When I visited as a child, I remember looking at the elephants with my little hands clasped tightly behind my back so as not to knock any of them over lest they break. As I got older, I spent time looking at the differences between the elephants – still only with my eyes. I felt a reverence toward those figurines and the magnificent creatures they were designed after.

It wasn’t until years later that I found myself wanting to learn more about elephants. Coming from a more heart centered space, I was curious to learn about what elephants represent from a spiritual perspective. Because they are very social creatures, they are seen as symbols of loyalty, companionship and unity. They have feelings, showing affection and love for one another. They also exhibit compassion, self awareness and the ability to mourn.

Elephants also help maintain ecosystems where they live. They trample grasslands and forests, which makes room for smaller species to co-exist. They also dig riverbeds when rainfall is low, creating water holes that they and other wildlife use.

I could go on and on, but I won’t.

When I recognized elephant as a totem (spirit) animal, it was because I identified with many of the qualities elephants possess. And so, I invited the elephant in.

Lucky me, over the past year or so, I have regularly been visited by elephants in my dreams. There is one that carries me on its back, shelters me when I am on the ground and watches over me as we move. The herd I visit in my dreams has evolved over time; I even had the honor of being with one female as she took her last breath. I also got to play in a watering hole with the others. When I dream of the elephants, my sleep is very active – as if I have actually been with them.

I awaken from those dreams feeling a distinct awareness of myself in relation to others both human and animal. I also feel appreciation for the way animals and nature co-exist; both a part of a greater evolutionary process.

My heart feels full, my soul is protected and my body is at peace.

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