I was several days into the Walk for Peace when I saw this message in the sidewalk late one afternoon. The day had been exceptionally long, and I was walking in a neighborhood just before dusk, not yet sure where I was staying for the night, and a bit off the path I’d set out for the day.
As I walked, I had to maneuver uneven driveways, trash and recycling containers carefully placed for their weekly pick up, and the occasional car parked part way in the driveway and covering the sidewalk as well. Because of the obstacles in my path, I was looking down much more than is my usual habit.
And then, I saw it…
Right there, in front of me.
I smiled. My shoulders relaxed. I felt grateful for the serendipity.
Lately, I have meditated regularly on Peace. I ask for discernment on how to be at Peace in each moment of the day. And, I ask for a compassionate heart. For when compassion is my lead, I not only Walk for Peace, I Walk In Peace.