Day 51

Today was a very full day. I walked the first couple of miles, and then a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen in almost a year, came and met me for coffee. As I waited for Allison to arrive, a couple of women asked about the buggy and it was an opportunity to talk about the Walk a bit as well. They were in a hurry, but stayed long enough to offer me a place to stay tonight (I already had a place), and to get my website information. Then,  just before they crossed the street, one of the women said she has knows someone south of Portland who will be “thrilled to host” when Chandler and I get there. Kristen said she’d be in touch. Shortly after that, Allison arrived. We talked for quite a while – catching up as friends do. Then Allison, Daisy, Chandler and I headed out. When we parted for the day, Allison said she’d come and meet me to walk with me tomorrow again – what a treat! Look for our photo together tomorrow…

I took pictures of a few of the amazing flowers I saw along the route, and I am curious to know if anyone can identify the red one?


Later, as I walked through Berkeley, I came across the sign in the top photo. I thought it was an interesting commentary on second hand smoke.

Then I met a man named Nestor. He and I had a long talk about making positive changes in the world, and he thanked me for what I’m doing. I told him it is conversations like the one we had that I’m hoping to keep having and encouraging others to have. As we said our goodbyes, Nestor handed me some money and said, “since you’re walking, here’s what I can do.” I gave Nestor a hug and thanked him for his generosity. As he walked away, I realized I had forgotten to get a picture, but something inside me said to let this one be, so I did.

My last conversation today was with Ashley, Brian and Jessica. This trio was on Shattuck Ave., representing Amnesty International and soliciting funds to help aid Syrian refugees. We also got into a discussion about the Walk for Peace. Soon, they asked me questions, and thanked me for what I’m doing. I thanked them, too.


In between the conversations, I was aware of the ups and downs of the energy of a day like today – and I found myself taking some deep breaths and thoroughly enjoying the gentle Spring breeze.

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