Today was filled with several different activities, and my knee felt fairly good all day. Late in the afternoon, Kelli, Rowdy, Chandler and I walked for two miles along a beautiful path I’d never been on before. We saw a few other walkers, a couple of bicyclists and even a snake along the way, and the dogs enjoyed every moment of the Walk. When we got back to the house, I iced and elevated my knee right away. I have to admit that I hurt more tonight than I did before we went out this afternoon, and I’m feeling frustrated by the slow progress.
For the most part, I have the ability to be fluid and open to change as it occurs, and tonight I’m struggling with that fluidity. I am feeling sad that I am not able in this moment to be physically Walking for Peace. My first thought when I sat to write tonight was to avoid the heaviness of my feelings, but I am aware that to avoid is to wrestle with myself and to lose my own inner Peace. For me, being willing to speak what I’m feeling allows me to be in presence with what is. Also, it allows me to let things flow through me, rather than to bottle them inside with resistance.
I am resting my knee tonight, and meditating – asking what I’m supposed to do and how things are supposed to look around the Walk.
My ask is that you keep holding the good thoughts and healing energy for my knee and the Walk as I navigate this unfamiliar territory.
Holding good thoughts for your knee and walk. Love.
Thank you, Dita.
It was a very great surprise to see you today at B and C …you really look good even with that recalcitrant knee…I hope you resolve it soon, but I know that you will fill your days with peace both for yourself and anyone else you meet along that way wherever you are…you did that for me today……Thanks!