I often speak about presence as a way to Peace, and the words “just Be”, hold the energy of presence for me. When I embody presence, there is a timelessness to my experiences, because I am so completely in the moment that I am not distracted by my thoughts. As I have said before, when I am truly present to the moment, I feel a deep sense of Peace. I am not thinking about the past or projecting to the future. My curiosity is piqued, because I don’t have expectation of how the moment will or could be.
This afternoon held just such a moment for me. I met my friend Lacey Burge for lunch in town, and before I knew it, we had been talking with one another for the better part of three hours! Lacey and I have known each other since we were teenagers, but this is our first visit in at least fifteen years. When we greeted each other, I could feel myself relaxing immediately, and I felt deep gratitude that we had created the time to just Be with each other this afternoon. As we wrapped up our time together, Lacey told me I looked Peaceful. And you know, I was.
Who in your life could you reach out to and invite in? Could you just Be with that person, without distractions? What’s possible from this place? And, how will you give yourself the gift of connection today?
Amazing how with some people time and distance do not matter…