Day 126

The news of yesterday’s attack on a Peaceful protest in Kabul, Afghanistan, where 80 people were killed and well over two hundred were injured, lingered through the day for me today.

I had made the decision to take the day for myself, to rest and to make some phone calls, and to elevate and ice my knee. As it turned out, I was grateful for the opportunity to meditate and to take some time to consciously keep the people of Afghanistan in Peaceful thought.

Tonight, I am grateful for the quiet reflection I experienced today. I’m grateful for the opportunity to meditate on Peace and to invite that Peace to ripple out to all parts of the world. I am grateful for the stillness of meditation, and the urgency of the need to take action every day for Peace.

Just think about what would happen if every person thought about Peace for one minute a day. I believe that the simple act of  carrying Peace to one another is the greatest gift of healing we have to offer ourselves and the planet.

How will you spend one minute thinking about Peace today?


2 thoughts on “Day 126”

  1. I appreciate that you write of your reflections on the violence we learn about from the news. And I try to remember to be more gentle in my own reflections on the world. Thank you.

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