Day 131

“There is no greater block to world peace or inner peace than fear. What we fear we tend to develop an unreasoning hatred for, so we come to hate and fear. This not only injures us psychologically and aggravates world tension, but through such negative concentration we tend to attract the things we fear. If we fear nothing and radiate love, we can expect good things to come. How much this world needs the message and example of love and faith!”

Peace Pilgrim

In these times, the words of Peace Pilgrim could not ring more true for me.

So much of the world’s rhetoric today is based in fear, hate and violence, that there are times when I find myself wanting to separate myself from it completely. Sometimes, it feels as if the energy of fear has become so “normal” that there is no room for anything else.

How then, do I stand strong in love as my response to fear?

First, I use language that is loving both toward myself, and also toward others. Second, I remain curious. Curiosity is a great way for me to be present to other people with an open, non-judgemental heart. Third, I practice habits that keep me tranquil; meditation, chanting, breathwork, to name a few. Fourth, I keep a steady pace – one that allows me to be at ease rather than rushed or overwhelmed. Fifth, I have fun and laugh. And finally, I have faith. Faith in myself, in others and in the incredible energy of love.

I use these skills to remain at (or recover to) Peace, especially in times when I feel myself tempted to react because I’m afraid. The stronger the pull toward fear, the greater the number of skills I employ.

For this Peace Walker, fear and hate cannot exist in the same space as love and faith. And through love and faith, I find Peace.

3 thoughts on “Day 131”

  1. I have so very much enjoyed your blogs and thoughts and experiences!! They have caused me to have many new internal thoughts and have initiated some changes in my way of thinking…but, temporarily, I am going to “kill” my computer…it is taking up too much of my time…so I will be on a hiatus for awhile with anything computer related….I will take it up again, probably sooner rather than later, but just wanted you to know why I was not checking in so often.


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