Day 132

When I took Chandler on her walk yesterday, she was full of energy, excited to be on the trail and enthusiastically exploring every nook and cranny she could find. As she ran forward, extending her leash to its full capacity, she would feel a little tension, turn around and run back to me. She did this over and over and over, bringing a smile to my face every time.

Along the trail where we walk, there is a small patch of bamboo that we go through, and for some reason, I really like it. Bamboo is actually the fastest growing plant, extending to full height in a single season. In deep contrast, the oaks and evergreens that surround this bamboo take years and years before reaching maturity.

Sometimes, I feel like Chandler – full of excitement and ease and ready to greet the day. Others, I identify with the bamboo – so much opportunity for transformation coming in my direction that I feel like I’m growing by leaps and bounds every day. And then sometimes, I am the oak/evergreen – slowly, deliberately growing toward the sky and rooting deep into the earth at the same time.

What feels important to me, is to notice how I am feeling. Each of the ways of being provide different strength, and some tasks are better handled in one over another. When I recognize this and connect how I am being to what I am doing, I find Peace.

Take a moment and ask yourself, how am I being today? What am I likely to do from this place? If you combine the being and the doing from this perspective, what’s possible? How can you find this connection within yourself?


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