I had a chance to visit with a couple of women this afternoon with whom I feel quite Peaceful. All three of us have “a lot going on” in our lives, and somehow, we consistently find the time to be with one another. Also, we are able to immediately drop into deep conversation; almost as if we haven’t been apart. For this Peace Walker, these kinds of conversations are nurturing to my soul. And, they allow me to regenerate.
Later, one of those friends went to the county fair, and she sent me two photos from the youth art exhibit. My friend explained that the exhibition has a section on Peace this year. I love the idea of young people designing art with Peace as the theme. Although I won’t make it to the fair because of my knee, I am thrilled that Peace is a visible part of it this year (I didn’t include the photos, because I don’t have permission from the artists). It means so much when someone who has been touched by the Walk for Peace reaches out and shares their experience with me, as my friend did from the fair today. The idea of the ripple of Peace continuing to grow brings this Peace Walker great joy.
On a more personal note…
Next Tuesday, the 16th, I will have surgery to replace/revise the failing artificial knee I received less than two years ago. The surgery will be followed by physical therapy and rehabilitation. What I want to remember is to stay in the present moment, particularly around my knee. I have been working toward the solution (in this case, surgery), since I first had to come off the road in late May, and I am ready to be on the other side of it. If you think of it, please send Peaceful thoughts in my direction on Tuesday.
Just a couple of questions tonight:
- Do you know anyone who is ill that you could actively support with Peaceful thoughts and energy?
- Would you be willing to tell them you’re holding the space of Peace for them?
- Where have you seen activity around Peace; whether it’s art, or music or a simple conversation? Did you join in the activity? How?
More Reiki coming to you. I will check the meal train and see what I can handle.
The Peace Alliance group has a booth at the County Fair highlighting 5 community groups that represent the 5 pillars of peace. I worked a shift sharing peace conversations with the friendly people at the fair. Heard some good stories about good people.
Lots of resources at the booth. Maybe next year you can take a shift and share your story.
Thank you for the Reiki and the help with my upcoming recovery.
I would love to know more about the five groups. Maybe we can talk more at the meeting for Peace on Monday?