Day 220

I’ve struggled the past few days with writing a post, because I haven’t felt Peaceful. In fact, my mood has been up and down, I’ve been short with people and I’ve wanted to run away from everyone and everything. And although I’ve stayed, I can’t say that it has been a graceful time.

Last night however, I had a coaching call that really helped me to process what I was feeling, which parts of what I’ve been feeling were mine, and to determine what I could do or how I could be in response to circumstances that challenge me.

So what’s important about all of this? First and foremost, it is about self-compassion. Also, I have learned that finding the bits of wisdom that are hidden within the “bad” feelings actually remind me of what I need. You see, when this Peace Walker reacts rather than responding, it is usually because I haven’t been honoring myself by doing the things that center me in being at Peace.

Today, I began the day with a quiet meditation before I got up. I thought about what I am grateful for, and what I would like to have in my day. I asked for a clear head and an open heart. I took some deep breaths and thought about being of service in the most effective way for myself and then for others.

I feel reconnected to my inner Peace today, and it is good.

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