As some know, I write an intention every day and post it in several places. I’ve been asked why I write an intention, and for me, the answer is simple. I do it as part of my daily practice, which is a combination of things that help me feel grounded in my body as well as centered in my soul.
Today, my intention is to cultivate inner Peace.
Over the years, I have found several ways to do this. One is to spend time each day in quiet meditation. During the meditation, I release expectation and open myself to what the day brings. This enables me to be present to each moment. As I prepared to begin the Walk for Peace, I donated or sold many belongings that I had acquired over time. The releasing of these things was both difficult and rewarding. Difficult because they held sentimental value for me. Rewarding because the people who received or bought my things were happy to have them. And, overall, having fewer belongings has made my life feel more spacious. This spaciousness brings me inner Peace. Still another way I find inner Peace is by being inclusive. What I mean by this is, rather than looking at differences as a way to separate myself from others, I choose to see them as a way to learn about people. Being of service to others also brings me inner Peace. Getting enough rest is yet another way to find inner Peace.
What is important for this Peace Walker to remember is that to maintain Peace within myself, I must be vigilant with these practices. And, in times of stress, changing circumstances or heightened energy internally or externally, maintaining inner Peace means increasing the amount of energy that goes into these practices.
I am grateful for the tools I have developed that help me to be at Peace within myself. While I won’t say I maintain this inner Peace 100% of the time, I have the ability to bring myself back to it at any time. Every day, every moment, inner Peace is possible.