Day 342

I was at a gathering of women over the weekend, where we were asked to close our eyes and think about the world we want to live in. As we sat quietly reflecting, we were then directed to ask ourselves the question, “What part of this is mine to do?”. What I love about the question is, it allows the person to find the answer that fits who they are. As I stood in the room, I thought about the Walk for Peace, and I knew that it is my part to do.

For almost a year now, my focus has been the Walk for Peace. I dream of connecting organizations & individuals working for Peace all around the world, and energizing people to find ways to engage with others for Peace.

This Peace comes when we speak with respect to those with whom we disagree. It comes when we use language that is loving and non-violent in conversations. We find it in honoring one another and choosing inclusion of everyone. And, it is ours when we lay down our weapons, choosing instead, to extend ourselves to others around us.

It isn’t always easy to be Peaceful, particularly in the face of opposition. In fact, sometimes, it takes more courage to be at Peace when those around us aren’t. That is why it is important to connect with others. When I am connected to other folks who are Walking with me (literally or figuratively), I find strength to encourage others along my path to consider Peace as a way to be in the world. And when I am tired and needing to replenish myself, I know that others are helping by talking about Peace, being Peaceful and sharing it with me.

We are all connected energetically. Let’s continue the Walk for Peace until that energy becomes uninterrupted around the world.




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