Chandler and I had a long walk this morning, and during our exploration of the land, we came across this little zebra figurine, placed delicately in one of the garden beds on the property. Chandler sniffed it, and continued walking. I, however, thought about what an interesting visual it created. You see, a zebra is about the last thing one might think of to see in the Sierra Foothills, in California, in a garden bed, etc.
And then I asked myself, “Why?”.
We become accustomed to seeing certain things that seem “normal”, and the things that don’t register that way in our minds, sometimes, become invisible. I have walked by that garden bed at least fifty times, and today was the first time I really looked at the zebra figurine.
For me, this is a simple reminder of an important lesson – and, it was the impetus for today’s intention:
My intention for today is notice those not noticed.
There is a way in which we become so engrossed in our own lives, that we don’t take the time to notice what and who surrounds us.
A bit later, I went to a movie, and saw Hidden Figures. The entire story revolved around black women in the NASA Space Program in the early 1960’s and the amazing work they did to assist in sending someone (John H. Glenn Jr.) to orbit the earth in a Spacecraft. Ironically, the women were, for the most part unnoticed for their work – until they stood up and insisted that people (white people) take notice of them, their work, their humanity.
I find a Peaceful way of being when I get out of myself and notice the world around me, and the people in it.
Later in the day, I walked into a coffee shop where several women were playing cards. They were laughing and having a great time with each other. Rather than walk by, I approached the table and told them how wonderful it felt to see them enjoying each other’s company. And I made it a point to notice something about each of the players.
For this Peace Walker, one of the greatest gifts that I can give or receive is to be seen. Really seen. In the Walk for Peace, I effort to notice everything and everyone around me.
I’m grateful for the zebra reminder this morning – funny, it’s almost as if it noticed me, too.