Day 368

A couple of weeks ago, I had a brainstorming session with several people about the next phase of the Walk for Peace. During that call, my friend Janelle indicated she wanted to send me a book that a friend of hers wrote. I texted her my address, and that was that.

Or was it?

A few days later, Janelle checked to see if I had received the book, and I said no. After several days, I still hadn’t received the book. Janelle tracked the book, and found that it had been delivered a few days prior. As I tried to figure out what happened, I suddenly had the realization that I had made a mistake…

For twenty plus years, my city and zip code were the same. However, when I came back to this area to recover from my recent knee surgery, I obtained a P.O. box just outside of the city limits, so my city and zip code changed. I had given Janelle my old city and zip code. Unfortunately, there is a Post Office in each city, both with the same box number. I went to the Post Office, and no one had returned the package, so I surmised the book had gone to the box holder. I asked if they would put a note in the box for me, and the person helping me said he couldn’t, but that I was welcome to mail a note to if I wanted to.

At this point, I could have ordered a new copy for the book, but I decided to take a chance on the box holder who got the book. I wrote a note similar to what I’ve described here, and mailed it. I decided to wait a week, and if I hadn’t heard anything, to go ahead and order a new copy.

Guess what?

Yesterday, I got a text from the “other” box holder. Guy introduced himself, and offered to meet and return the book. We agreed on a time and location, and today began with our meeting.

What is really special about this entire story, is that I had an amazing conversation with Guy this morning. The first thing Guy did, was to buy me a cup of coffee. After a few minutes of getting acquainted, I mentioned the Walk for Peace, the phone conversation that started this story, and that the book Janelle sent was so that I could learn a bit about using social media to share information and include more people in the the Walk.

As we sat and talked, Guy asked several questions about my vision, what Peace is to me, how I came to Peace in my life, and how I think we begin to share Peace with people who might be diametrically opposed to my perception of it. I also had a chance to ask Guy several questions, and to gain a broader perspective on what Peace might be like for someone else. I learned about some of Guy’s experiences living overseas and working for Intelligence. I found myself speaking with Guy with surprising ease, which gave me a sense of Peace. At the end of our time together, we took this photograph, and when I invited Guy to contribute to the Walk, he said that “if I would allow him to, he’d like to help”. I thanked him, and we agreed to keep in touch.

Tonight, I am grateful for a new friend, a returned book, a simple address mix-up, Janelle’s kindness in sending the book, and Janelle’s friend for writing the book in the first place!

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