Yesterday, I left from a neighborhood of manicured lawns and well maintained homes, some with motor homes parked in front of them. The houses were stately and the cars neatly tucked inside garages when not in use.
From there, I made my way into a new and different part of Beaverton, where I was aware of yards in varying states of overgrowth. I also noticed cars on blocks, and houses in disrepair.
At one point, an elderly woman came down her driveway and I approached her to see if she would have a conversation about Peace with me. She immediately asked me what made me think I was an expert on Peace. I explained that not only am I not an expert, I am interested in what other people think about Peace. She began verbally attacking my character, going so far as to tell me I was crazy and I had no businessm”doing this”.
Fortunately, I found myself able to say that I would be happy to have a conversation with her, but that I didn’t understand why she would question my character. We continued talking for a moment, and she began to berate me again. I explained for a second time that I would be happy to talk about Peace, but that I did not appreciate her personalizing the discussion in a way that made me wrong. At that point, she turned, and without another glance, went into her house.
As I made my way away from the woman and her energy, I wondered if she would ever think about the experience with anything but anger and disdain. And, I wondered what made her so fearful. I was grateful to have engaged her without becoming angry with or hurtful toward her.
Throughout the afternoon and evening, I found myself hoping that if nothing else, I had planted the seed of Peace in the woman’s heart. While I often do not see the direct impact of the conversations I have with people, I will hold this woman in my consciousness, and I will continue to surround her with the energy of Peace.