Day 511

These are the words of Dr. Amit Ray, an author and spiritual master. He is known in many parts of the world for teaching about compassion, meditation, yoga and Peace.

For this Peace Walker, these words could not ring more true.

Less than twenty four hours after the incident in Charlottesville, VA, where a young woman was killed and several others were wounded, two young men carried out an attack on a restaurant in Burkina Faso, killing 18 people and injuring numerous others.

I want to take a moment to express how sad I have been for the families and friends of all of the people killed as well as for the folks injured in the attacks. I cannot begin to know the impact this type of violence has had on the people closest to it. I only know that my heart aches for them.

As I caught up with the news today, I read about vigil after vigil being held in solidarity with the people of Charlottesville. In fact, there is one scheduled for Olympia, Wa (where I am right now) this evening. In Canada and nations around the globe, there are vigils being held for those who lost their lives in Burkina Faso. This type of gathering brings people together in support of others, and it offers a way to connect with people around experiences that are profoundly difficult to process.

And in the moments, hours and days that follow, it is important that we continue to respond with courage in a nonviolent manner. This doesn’t mean give up or ignore those that would encourage hate and violence. Quite the contrary. Responding rather than reacting gives each of us a choice. The choice is to respond with love or to react from fear.

I cannot condone or support hate, discrimination, injustice or intolerance. More than that, I am compelled to be a voice for Peace. When I see hate, I will do my utmost to respond with love. If I see discrimination or injustice being perpetrated upon another human being, I will look within and seek to respond with an open, inclusive mind. When intolerance is evident, I will do what I can to find something to align us rather than to sit idly by watching hate and violence take over.

And, when carrying the message of a nonviolent way of being feels insurmountable, I will join with others, and courageously ask for help.

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