Over the past few days, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the Walk for Peace and the magical, purposeful feeling I have felt beginning each day with thoughts of Walking and talking with people about Peace. In some ways, it’s hard to believe it has already been eighteen months since I first stepped off, and in others, it feels like just yesterday that I took my leave from the park in Nevada City.
One of the constants for a traveler like me, is change. Whether it is where I stay, who I stay with, the route I take, the city I’m in or even something as simple as where my morning coffee is going to come from, everything is fluid. And, there have been days when the fluidity has been graceful and full of ease, and other days that are choppy and difficult to maneuver.
As I continue to check in with myself about the best way to be a voice for Peace in the world, I would like to hear from you. Tell me an experience you’ve had in the past week that has brought you Peace. Share how the Walk for Peace has touched your life. And, let’s take a moment to feel into the energy of this community by connecting through shared experience.
Who wants to go first?
I will! When I took you to your most recent stepping off point, Burger villa in Centralia, one week ago today, you and I had a heart-to-heart talk about the walk for peace. I was so sad to be saying good-bye to you again, and I could voice that and still accept that you were moving on. Connecting deeply with my own feelings and with you brought me peace.
Our conversations feel like home, Emily. Your willingness to be with me in the deepest vulnerability is such a gift. Thank you.
When you drove off, I was tempted to text and ask you to come back and get me, and, I needed the next couple of days in Centralia to figure out my need to ground myself again. Thank you for letting me go, and thank you for holding me with such love.
About a week ago I felt a strong urge to go to one of my favorite yoga teacher’s classes. (I’ve been feeling the urge for a while – and the pulse increased so I listened.) Quite a few of the people in the class hadn’t been there in a while – including a friend I went through yoga teacher training with. The class was packed. The energy was powerful. During the course of class I dropped into my body – physical tension and energetic cobwebs and static melted away. I felt my heart. I felt love. I felt Peace.
I know that living from my heart in the present moment keeps me connected to an inner resonance. A peace. I’m committing to practice bringing myself back to my heart in the present – again and again and again. Like a living meditation.
Thank you, Lauri. I too, find Peace in the energy of dropping into my body. Yoga brings presence to self and, in energy to the whole. I love your commitment to heart in the present…